7+ Expert Bilingual Parenting Books to Read for the Best Practical Educational Strategies

  • Post last modified:31 May 2023
  • Post comments:2 Comments

“Is my child going to be confused if I speak to her in two languages?” “Will it hinder language development if I introduce another language to my child?” If you have ever had these thoughts while raising a bilingual reader, know that you are not alone in your doubts and fears. As a psychology graduate and a behavioural specialist, I believe that the answers will be found in properly researched books that base their answers and guidance on science and research. Which are in these 7 books that I am listing here. 

Some are more academic than others, some provide more practical guidance than others. I’m a real geek for scientific information, so I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Bilingual Brain and Raising a Bilingual Child.

However, I also understand that parents want practical advice and strategies they can use right now! In which case Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability or 7 Steps to Raising a Bilingual Child will be my top pick for you.

You can find these books affordably in ebook formats, or audiobooks. Whenever available, I have listed down the links for the physical book, e-book and audio book. Amazon tends to have sample pages you can download and read through before you purchase them. 

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bilingual parenting books

Here are the best bilingual parenting books you should read

Author: Adam Beck

ISBN: ‎ 978-4908629013

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon.

Adam Beck is the founder of the blog Bilingual Monkeys which is a good starting point if you are just starting the bilingual teaching journey. As an educator and parent to bilingual children, his personal experience and expertise shows, which makes his book the most practical of all the ones listed here. So if you want to get straight to work, then this is your top pick. 

For a simple and fun read with your child, Adam Beck also has this book “I WANT TO BE BILINGUAL!: A Book for New Parents with an Important Request from Your Baby” which will make a nice baby gift for new bilingual parents.

Author: Naomi Steiner, Susan Hayes, and Steven Parker

ISBN: 978-0814400463

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon and Apple Books.

A practical guide, though not quite step by step, or 7 steps as the title may have you think. Nevertheless, there is some easy, practical advice in this book on how to raise your child in two (or more) languages.

Author: Barbara Zurer Pearson

ISBN: 978-1400023349

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon, and Apple Books

Singaporeans can borrow this book electronically from the NLB

If you would like a more academic angle to your family’s bilingual approach than Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability, then Raising a Bilingual Child is perfect for you. It is an accessible research based guide to understanding the benefits of bilingualism, the cognitive development that takes place in a bilingual child. There are less practical guidelines, instead it gives you comfort that you are indeed doing the right thing by raising your child bilingual.

Get it on Apple Books

Author: Eowyn Crisfield

ISBN: ‎  978-1788929332

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon.

Short on time and don’t want to read a big guide on raising bilingual children? Then this book will give you the basic tips and tricks you need to start your family’s bilingual journey.

If you are pressed for time, try out Audible for audio books to listen to when you are on the go. I personally listen to these parenting books and podcast when I run! Try it for free and cancel anytime. 

Author: Colin Baker

ISBN: 978-1783091591

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon, and Apple Books

Can I confess that I found this book very hard to read? It should really be titled A Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism, because it is not very accessible to the everyday parent! However, I have included this book in my list of must read books on raising bilingual children, as it is very comprehensive. Think of this as a Q&A book instead of a paperback you read from front to back, and you will benefit from Colin Baker’s wealth of experience in this area.

Author: Albert Costa

ISBN: 978-0141990385

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon, and Apple Books. 

Audio Book format available on Apple Books

Singaporeans can borrow this book electronically from the NLB

Do you want to know what happens in the brain of a bilingual? If you do, then this book The Bilingual Brain will explain clearly and simply what happens inside the brain of a bilingual. Albert Costa’s book is highly informative without being overly academic.

Preview the Audio Book:

Author: Annika Bourgogne

ISBN: 978-9526803708 

Paperback available at Amazon, and Book Depository.

Ebook format available at Amazon.


For parents who are teaching more than 1 language, then this book Be Bilingual will provide you with lots of practical and creative ideas on how to achieve that goal, in the most practical and enjoyable way.

Happy Reading and Learning these practical strategies at home!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Breanna

    Great recommendations!
    I really liked “the Bilingual Edge” and “Family Language Learning”.

    1. Jean

      Thank you Breanna. I’m glad you found the book recommendations helpful. It’s always helpful to help an expert view on things!

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